Take Care of Your Husky in Hot Weather

10 Clever Ways to Take Care of Your Husky in Hot Weather

Your husky can live a long and happy life regardless of whether he/she is in a dry heat area or if he/she is in a place that enjoys a tropical climate. In case of extreme humidity, they can become lethargic. It helps to be acquainted with ways to take care of your husky in hot weather. If your pet shows symptoms, such as, sunken eyes and dry gums, offer water immediately. 

Huskies are ideally ‘built’ to thrive in Arctic climates. However, these days, it’s not uncommon to see them happily integrated into most family homes across continents. It turns out that these furry creatures are quite adaptable. Nonetheless, warm climates can take a toll on your husky if you’re not careful. 

Because huskies are ideal for cold climates, you’ll notice that they are an unstoppable force of energy during these months. They enjoy being outdoors. As someone who has a husky for a pet, you’re probably wondering how you can afford this luxury for him/her during warmer months. The good news is, your husky can frolic around outdoors even when it’s warm, provided you pay heed to the following pointers. 

Let Midday Hours Be Indoor Time

There will be days when your husky whines, begging to go out. Stand your ground and keep him/her indoors during the hottest hours of the day – typically from 12 pm to 4 pm. Even indoors, he/she will need a little more attention than other breeds when it comes to housing. 

  • Tiled floors are ideal because it offers them a cool surface to lie on so they can get some respite from the heat.
  • Your husky will also appreciate it if you cover windows that welcome direct sunlight into the house with blinds. 
  • If your husky is a senior dog, providing a carpet made out of a moisture-wicking material is helpful.
  • In case the floors of your home are prone to heating, you can offer your furry friend an elevated bed to rest in.
  • If you can afford it, try and have a separate room for your husky (preferably one where the temperature is below 20-degree Celsius. Or you can set up a fan in the area your pet usually rests.

Shaving or Cutting Your Husky’s Coat Does More Harm Than Good

Chopping your hair off may make you feel better during the summer. However, this logic does not extend to huskies. As stuffy as their double-layer coat may look, it helps regulate their body temperature – keeping them warm during the winter and cool during the summer. This undercoat facilitates proper air circulation and protects a husky’s body from direct sunlight heat that can lead to overheating for your pooch.

Some husky owners confess to taking the risk of cutting their pet’s fur because they seem to pant a lot more during the summer. Here’s the thing, dogs regulate their temperature by panting. It’s not a sign that your husky’s feeling suffocated. The only time you should worry is if he/she is unresponsive or unnaturally sluggish.

Paw Patrol

After being indoors for a good part of the day, your husky is likely to bolt outdoors as soon as you open the door. That’s okay if you’re letting him out at a time when the sun is on its way out. However, if you’re opening the door to run an errand or check the mailbox during peak sun hours, check to see that your pet isn’t tailing you. 

Huskies’ paws are extremely sensitive to heat and can even burn. If you decide to take your husky out for a walk during the day because the weather isn’t that harsh, try to bond with your furry friend in grassy or shaded areas as much as possible. You also want to ensure that the floor on your porch or the places your husky relaxes in isn’t too warm.

Your Husky Needs Constant Hydration

Your fuzzy friend will need lots of water if he/she is to maintain healthy body temperature regulation levels. Place a water bowl both inside and outside the house so your pet can access them immediately whenever needed. You want these bowls filled with cold fresh water round the clock.

Knowing how active they can get, you may want to check every now and then that your husky hasn’t tipped his water bowl over. If you’re going to be out for long periods, try and place the water in a container that cannot easily be toppled, or have a trusted friend/neighbor check on your dog once in a while. For walks, you’ll find the cutest water bottles for pets online. 

Cool Treats Are Welcome

The term ‘treats’ here is a broad one that covers cooling beds or wet towels, and frozen snacks. I purchased a cooling bed for my husky after a friend’s recommendation, and I must say, it’s a winner with my pet. A cost-friendly alternative is to wet old towels and lay them down for your husky. 

As for frozen treats, I was pleasantly surprised by how much my husky relished them. He is generally more than happy simply biting into an ice cube, but I do indulge him with the occasional frozen apple. 

Huskies Need Their Exercise, Come Rain or Shine

Huskies are an active breed, which means they need to run around and work their muscles every day. During hot weather months, the ideal time for them to be let loose is in the morning or late evening. 

If your husky’s usual walking park/spot is located far away from your place, consider taking him in the car if it’s hot outside. This way, he doesn’t feel too hot before he actually begins to play. You’ll also want to carry a water bowl or pet water bottle along with you to ensure proper hydration.

Huskies Require Plenty of Space

It’s amusing to watch a husky making himself at home – body fully stretched out, switching positions ever so often. Given their rather imposing size, they may demand quite a bit of room. This even more so during the summer because then lying in one spot gets uncomfortable.

In case you’re leaving your husky at home for hours on end, ensure that he/she is in a place with ample stretch room. If your home does not allow that much space, it’s ideal to allocate someone to take your husky out for potty breaks or playtime now and then to ensure that he/she is happy.

Make Time to Brush His/her Hair

Poor hygiene can cause improper body temperature regulation in huskies. To prevent this, regularly brush your pet’s hair. Doing so helps evenly distribute oil along his/her coat. This, in turn, gets rid of dust and dirt and helps eliminate dead hairs that can otherwise cause overheating. 

For detailed information about what kind of brush to use for your husky, check out this article

Pool Party for Huskies

Your husky may whimper and fuss when it’s bath time, but boy, does he love splashing around in a pool! If you can afford the outdoor space for a dog paddling pool, you can look into treating your husky to one. Frolicking around in it offers him/her a fun way to cool down and exercise at the same time. 

Inflatable pools for dogs are different from those meant for kids. The ones designed for dogs come in thicker materials (to withstand claw scratches) and typically have lower sides than kiddie pools. 

Your Husky Would Rather Stay Home Than in the Car

As tempting as it is to take your fuzzy friend along with you to the grocery store, it’s best to leave him behind at home just this once. It’s better than letting him wait in the car where temperatures can go up to extreme levels in no time.


Huskies are adaptable, but as a pet owner, it’s up to you to ensure ideal living conditions for your furry friend if you want him to thrive. If you live in a place that’s known for its summers, it’s ideal that you purchase a husky puppy from a local store/breeder. This way, you know that the puppy is adjusted to the climate in your state. It also helps to seek detailed information about your new puppy – his dietary needs, housing needs, and other such particulars.

A quick way to relax a heated husky is to dab his body with a towel soaked in lukewarm water. Using towels soaked in freezing or cold water may seem like the logical thing to do, but that’s a complete no-no. When indoors, your husky will appreciate it if you keep the fan or AC on at all times (depending on how hot it is outside) because they are active by nature and are likely to be keeping busy even inside the house. For the safety of your pooch, you may want to become familiar with signs that let you know when he/she is dehydrated or overheated

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