Male Or Female Husky

Male Or Female Husky? 8 Things To Consider Before Deciding

Siberian Huskies are charming and adorable dog breeds. Not only are they loyal, but they are also highly active, and you can be sure that you’ll never feel bored again.

While this may be so, many dog lovers are confused about whether they should opt for a male or a female Husky. Believe it or not, this is a big deal for many. You’ve come to the right page if you’re one among the many trying to find the answer to this query.

No matter the gender of the Husky, both are lovely pets and a great addition to your family. Nevertheless, you will see a difference when it comes to their behavior, disposition as well as their size. In addition to that, their lifestyle does differ a little too.

If you’re here reading this guide confused just like many other dog lovers and wondering which to choose, then I’ve got you covered. I’ve put together a list of the variations between the two genders, hoping that it’ll help you make the right choice.

Some Chief Dissimilarities Between Male and Female Husky

Male and female Huskies are both great companions – that much we’ve covered! They both are adorable, loyal, energetic, and can spend the entire day playing with you. You will not be bored having them as your workout partners.

With that said, let’s look into the factors that distinguish the genders apart.

  • Appearance: A male Husky features a masculine appearance in order to appear more charming to the females. They even brawl to win over the opposite sex. A female Husky, on the contrary, does not have such characteristics.
  • Dominance: A male Husky is generally the one who leads their pack. Because of this factor, they are dominating in nature. Contrary to that, a female Husky is quite composed and can be handled with ease.
  • Height: Normally, a male Husky measures a height from 21-inch to 24-inch, while the height of the female is 20 to 22 inches.
  • Weight: Generally, a male Husky weighs about 45 to 60 pounds, while the female’s weight is 35 to 50 pounds.
  • Training: As I have mentioned, a male Husky is dominant and not matured. Therefore, it is a challenging task to train them. Contrary to that, the female is matured and responsible.
  • Temperament: A male Husky loves spending more of their time with their owner and developing their bond. A female Husky is a little timid, introverted, matured, and tends to get moody at times.
  • Healthcare Expense: The primary expenses of a female Husky are higher in comparison to a male Husky. That said, male dogs get injured more than females.


When it comes to height, you won’t find much contrast between the male and the female Huskies. Both genders feature a wolfish look; even so, appearance can be deceiving.

A male Husky appears huge in comparison to a female. They are furrier and even come in over nine colors.

Featuring a masculine head, they look more alluring in the eyes of a female Husky. As I’ve mentioned above, male Huskies often get into brawls and whichever wins gets the female.

On the other hand, a female Husky does not feature such an appearance.

Additionally, a male Husky weighs between 20 kg and 27 kg, while a female weighs around 16-23 kgs.

In regards to the height, a male Husky measures up to 60 cm, while a female is between 50 cm and 56 cm.


Bear in mind that you need to assert your dominance and declare your leadership to your Husky. As these dog breeds come in a group, they have a leader that has control over the others.

This group leader needs to have confidence and be worthy of admiration. In any case, if your Husky doesn’t see you fit to be a leader, they will become superior to you.

You can easily notice this feature in a male Husky. They can stand against your dominance if they see you lacking confidence. Having said that, a female Husky doesn’t dispute with your authority much.

When dealing with your Husky, I highly recommend you to use your commanding voice while instructing them. Once again, any signs of hesitation and they will start disobeying you.


Siberian Huskies are medium in size. A male and a female Husky differ from each other, albeit the contrast is not much prominent.

The male Huskies’ standard height is between 21-inch and 24-inch, whereas the standard height of females is 20-inch to 22-inch. These measurements may differ as it depends on their pose.

Nevertheless, a female Husky is a little smaller in size compared to the males.

There is another reason for the dissimilarity in their size. Since a male Husky protects their pack against superficial perils, they have to look stronger and dominant.

The standard height, however, depends on the environment as well as the well-being of your Husky.


The weight of a Husky differs at various growing stages. A male Husky of three months measures a weight between 17 pounds and 23 pounds. A female counterpart, on the other hand, weighs about 14-20 pounds.

A Husky of six months measures a weight between 32 and 43 pounds. A female Husky of the same age weighs around 26-37 pounds.


As I previously stated, male Huskies are less matured in comparison to their female counterparts. As a result, to train them is not an easy feat.

Start their training at an early stage. Any later and it can lead to behavioral issues. However, despite being a bit difficult to train, they are quite smart. Therefore, if you teach them patiently, they will also learn in no time.

With that said, training a female Husky, even at a later stage, would not be much of a hassle as they are usually calm.


Male Huskies tend to have a brighter demeanor as compared to the female. This factor implies to almost all dogs of any breed. The temperament issue depends on your Husky’s disposition.

A male Husky shows more attachment with their owner and loves playing with them. While that may be so, they are quite territorial, causing them to be aggressive at times.

On the other hand, a female Husky is an introverted kind and prefers staying alone. They, too, love spending time with their owner but not always. Female Huskies do tend to experience mood swings.

Healthcare Expense

The healthcare expenses of female Huskies are different from the male counterparts. A female Husky goes through menstruation which needs to be neutered.

Now when it comes to male Huskies, it is a different matter. They experience various health problems such as arthritis. Since they are more active than the females, the male Huskies are more vulnerable to injuries.

Life Expectancy of Both Genders

Female Huskies live longer than male Huskies. It is the same for all dogs of any breed. So long as they are brought up in the same environment, the female dogs indeed outlive the opposite sex.

A female Husky is calm as compared to the males. Unlike the male counterparts, the females don’t need much physical activity.

Siberian Huskies usually have a life expectancy between 12 and 15 years. Furthermore, how long they live is also dependent on various factors such as their health issues, nutrients intake, exercising, etc.

The male Huskies are more active than the females; therefore, they have to let off the energy daily.

Here’s the thing – if they don’t let off the energy via physical workouts, it may affect your Husky’s well-being. Take good care of your furry companion, and it will certainly help in increasing their lifespan no matter which gender.

Nevertheless, do keep in mind there are some health issues that may reduce their longevity. So, it would be best if you took them to the veterinarian regularly.

There are ways to make sure Huskies live a better and longer life. It includes:

  • Routine exercises to make them fit and add another 2-3 years to their lifespan
  • Immunizations for common ailments
  • Improving their lifestyle by entertaining them and boosting their emotional state
  • Seeking advice from a professional for controlling parasites such as heartworm


Between a male and a female Husky, there isn’t much notable contrast. Nevertheless, there are some factors you need to look into before deciding which gender to choose.

Both genders are adorable as well as loyal. Therefore, no matter which you go for, you won’t be disappointed.

All you need to know is that owning a Husky requires dedication and optimal care. They need to be trained properly, and adding to that; you have to make them do regular exercises. Furthermore, a well-balanced diet is essential for them.

Male or female huskies, if you give them the love and care they deserve, they would be a great companion for you.

Well, there you go! Hopefully, this write-up has helped you get a clearer picture of the difference between male and female Huskies. Now, all there’s left for you to do is provide a warm and loving home for these loveable creatures.

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